
PDF Positions:

Currently, there is no opening for funded graduate (MSc/PhD) and postdoctoral positions. However, candidates interested in doing a self-funded research or have funding available from some scholarships/fellowships are encouraged to write an email to Prof. Mohtada Sadrzadeh at

Graduate Positions:

Currently, there is no opening for funded graduate (MSc/PhD) and postdoctoral positions. However, candidates interested in doing a self-funded research or have funding available from some scholarships/fellowships are encouraged to write an email to Prof. Mohtada Sadrzadeh at

Undergaduate Positions:

A major role of the AWRL is training and involving undergraduate students in cutting-edge research with a focus on hands-on numerical and experimental experience and enjoying as working as a part of the research team. Undergraduate students, who are interested in joining AWRL and do research during the summer or during the normal semesters, are encouraged to apply for NSERC USRA, UofA URI, MITACS Gloabalink and some external internship program such CICan. The applicants are encouraged to send their resume directly to Prof. Mohtada Sadrzadeh at